Data Centre Tour
If your wondering where our server's are kept and what conditions they are kept in please take our data centre tour of a few pages of images
The best reason to choose the location of your data centre, is so you can deliver the pages and content of your websites where most of your users will be coming from. You may also just like to know your website is closer to you.
<< Click Here to take the tour >> of the Host Centric data centre located in Fremont, California, United States. Or << Click Here to take the tour >> of the Blue Square data centre located in Maidenhead, Berkshire, United Kingdom (London England).

Internet Connections
HostCentric: The network capacity of our data centers exceeds 2.5 Gigs of Internet connectivity via DS3, OC3, OC12 and Gigabit Ethernet connections to a wide variety of peer points and several transit providers.
BlueSquare: A 10Gig Extreme Networks ring connecs BlueSquare House with 2 London docklands datacentres - Telehouse East and Telecity HEX89.